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Meta. Metamates. Me
The world is outside
It’s free and always will be
Over half the world’s artists are yet to get online
Over half the world’s students are yet to get online
Don’t loose a friend over a forgotten birthday. We got your back
Find your kind of people – live what you love
Don’t forget your
Fake accounts are not our friends
You left your FaceBook open at home
Facebook’s feet in virtual reality
Make everyday eventful FaceBook
A first step towards digital equality
Facebook thumbstoppers – short stories move hearts
Fcebook is judging you
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Facebook helps you connect and share with people in your life
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Facebook (stylized as facebook) is an American online social media and social networking service.
Facebook’s slogan is “ Meta. Metamates. Me ”
Related Famous Taglines:A slogan is a catchy or memorable phrase that captures a brand's identity and the overall message of its marketing campaign. Slogans demonstrate a brand's core values in just a few words, often using humor, emotion, and personality to emphasize their brand mission.
Slogans and taglines serve as concise representations of a brand’s identity. They are often the first thing potential customers encounter, leaving a lasting impression.
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