You'll never look at music the same way again.
I want my MTV!
Too much is never enough
Turn it on, leave it on
See the music you want to see
Army MTV (Tina Cousins's lyrical spoofs from ABC's America's Watching and visuals spoofs from NBC's Let's All Be There)
We're Music, We're MTV
The music revolution will be televised
MTV... Proud as a Moon Man (Weird Al Yankovic's spoof of NBC's 1979-1981 slogan Proud as a Peacock)
Doodle Doodle Dee, Wubba Wubba Wubba
MTV Lives In Your Music
Some People Just Don't Get It
Watch and Learn
M-m-m-m T-t-t-t V-v-v-v
MTV News: You Hear It First
MT-blah: Blah-blah Tele-blah
I love my MTV
Don't let Jerry Win. Best watch your MTV's
Think MTV
Not on TV, on M-TV
On MTV and Nowhere Else
Just See MTV
MTV Enjoy
MTV keeps you plugged in
You Down Wit MTV?!
MTV: We Don't Play Music
MTV is no longer: It's MetallicaTeleVision (Lars Ulrich in 1996)
The Number One Music Channel.
Nongkrong di MTV. (1997-2001)
MTV Gue Banget. (2002-2007)
MTV Ayos (MTV Philippines)
Habla Tu MTV
Musical Tele-vis-i-on (MTV UK - The 'Music Man')
There's Something in the Water! (MTV Canada)
Don't Give Up Your M (MTV Australia, MTV New Zealand and MTV Baltics)
MTV will make New Zealand music history (MTV New Zealand)
Follow The Music, Follow MTV.
I Like... (MTV Asia)
Because MTV brings out the bitch in you (MTV New Zealand)
MTV May Contain Nuts (MTV New Zealand)
MTV - we know where you live (MTV Australia)
MTV - we want you to have our baby (MTV Australia)
MTV (originally an initialism of Music Television) is an American pay television channel owned by Viacom Media Networks (a division of Viacom) and headquartered in New York City.
MTV’s slogan is “ I want my MTV. ”
A slogan is a catchy or memorable phrase that captures a brand's identity and the overall message of its marketing campaign. Slogans demonstrate a brand's core values in just a few words, often using humor, emotion, and personality to emphasize their brand mission.
Slogans and taglines serve as concise representations of a brand’s identity. They are often the first thing potential customers encounter, leaving a lasting impression.
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